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Defending Choice in Medicine

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Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century

Charity no. 1124711

Registered address: Poppyseed Cottage,

High Street, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk  PE33 9SF


All original material on this website is copyright of Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century, but may be freely used, if credited, in support of homeopathy

Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century

Photgraph of Ursula Kraus-Harper (Chair of H:MC21), David Tredinnick MP, Helen Campbell (homeopath), William Alderson (Secretary of H:MC21), Oliver Dowding (farmer who uses homeopathy with his animals), Vanessa Gabbett-Mulhallen (mother and user of homeopathy) and Ethan (her baby not yet one year old who has only ever had homeopathy) outside No 10 Downing Street with the declaration "Homeopathy Worked for Me"

The accompanying letter to the Prime Minister contained the following demands:


"We urge the government:


To reject the report of the Commons Science and Technology Committee on the grounds that it is profoundly flawed and shows strong evidence of prejudice.

To provide a substantial re-directing of  NHS research funding, so that the use of homeopathy in the NHS can be properly assessed as regards both its clinical and cost effectiveness.

To instruct Primary Care Trusts that homeopathy forms part of the NHS provision of healthcare, and that it should not be a victim of cuts simply because decision-makers are not qualified to judge its principles and practice.


We ask your government to recognise that this declaration is the voice of nearly 28,000 people who represent some 10% of the electorate.* It is a call to the government to listen not to those who have abused their access to the media, but to those who have experience of successful treatment with homeopathy, those who proudly declare: Homeopathy Works for Me!"


* According to government figures around 6 million people in the UK use homeopathy each year.

The delegation handing in the declaration (from left to right):

Ursula Kraus-Harper

  (Chair of H:MC21),

David Tredinnick MP,

Helen Campbell


William Alderson

  (Secretary of H:MC21),

Oliver Dowding

  (farmer who uses homeopathy for his animals),

Vanessa Gabbett-Mulhallen

  (mother who uses homeopathy)

Ethan Gabbett-Mulhallen

  (baby not yet one year old who has only ever used homeopathy)

Grace DaSilva-Hill

  (homeopath, taking the photo)

An important part of our campaign has been to give people a voice through signing the declaration "Homeopathy worked for me!"


The declaration was handed in to the Prime Minister on 24 February 2010 as part of a mass lobby of Parliament. The lobby was supported by 250 homeopaths and patients and by 32 organisations.


It had been signed at that time by 28,112 people, but a further 629 signatures have been sent to the Department of Health, making a total of 28,741

Lobby Report

H:MC21 is a charity established to counter the unfounded propaganda against homeopathy by informing the public of the facts about homeopathy and its historical and scientific relationship to orthodox medicine.


It will do this through research, publication and campaigning.


Clicking on the links below will take you directly to various aspects of our campaign



Follow us on Twitter at @HMC21org





Nonsense, Not Science


 Halloween Science


Pilot survey of PCTs


Edzard Ernst interview


 Resource pack


CS&TC Report


CS&CT Evidence Check



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