Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century
Homeopaths consider that what needs treating is all patient’s symptoms, not an arbitrarily selected group of them. As a result homeopathy makes use of all the symptoms of a patient, in order to find a remedy to match the specific requirements of the individual, rather than the common symptoms of diseases. For the same reason homeopaths record all the individual responses when gathering information about remedies in 'provings'. As a result the style and type of information gathered in the provings matches that gathered in case-taking.
In addition to choosing the right remedy for the case, the potency and frequency of the dose needs to be selected to match the individual need of the patient. This is an area in which experience plays an important part, as there are many interacting factors to take into account. These include:
The strength of the symptoms;
The clarity and individuality of the symptoms;
Whether the symptoms are mainly physical or mental and emotional;
Whether the condition is an acute one or a chronic one;
The sensitivity of the patient;
The age of the patient;
Whether the patient is taking any other medication;
Which potency scale is being used.
Use of a remedy that does not meet the patient’s specific requirements may cause one of several reactions, but if a homeopathic prescription were only a placebo, there would either be a “beneficial” effect or none at all.
Related pages:
About homeopathy
Why it works
Orthodox medicine