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H:MC21 will continue to research and publish information for our supporters to use. Current publications include:

Halloween Science

by William Alderson RSHom (142 pages)

A detailed critique of Trick or Treatment? Alternative medicine on trial by Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst (London: Bantam, 2008).


Halloween Science uses Ernst and Singh's own statements to show that their approach to the subject of alternative medicine is not only scientifically flawed but is entirely propagandist. In particular this critique reveals that these so-called "trained scientists" (p. 3) redefine science on the first page so as to exclude the essential element of theory, and define their subject, alternative medicine, in four incompatible ways during the book to suit their argument. At the same time Ernst and Singh fail to define many of the basic terms they use, including the most important one of 'effectiveness'.


In discussing some topics, but especially homeopathy, Halloween Science presents a number of important and fully referenced facts unaccountably overlooked by Ernst and Singh which dramatically affect the foundations of many of their arguments. At the same time much of the 'evidence' they present is revealed to be inadequate or misleading. Finally, their own statements are used to make it clear that the analytical tools they use are unable to provide the level of objectivity and reliability needed to justify their conclusions.


Trick or Treatment? embodies virtually all of the arguments used against homeopathy and other alternative medicine, and they are systematically demolished in Halloween Science. Rarely can a book claiming to "offer an uparalleled level of rigour, authority and independence" (p. 3) have been shown to prove itself so wrong. In short Trick or Treatment? is revealed as having no validity as a scientific examination of alternative medicine.


To go to Halloween Science click here.

Report on a Pilot Survey of Primary Care Trusts

by William Alderson LLSCH RSHom (8 pages)

A pilot study of the provision of homeopathy by PCTs based on information gathered by a number of supporters.


This survey asked a series of questions about

  • the degree of access to homeopathy in the PCT

  • the criteria used when deciding whether or not to provide homeopathy

  • the monitoring of the competence of those making decisions about access

  • the monitoring of the outcomes of the use of homeopathy

Among the results the survey revealed that of the 26 PCTs contacted (7% of the total), 21 do not routinely provide homeopathy, but of those PCTs only 14.3% had any knowledge of whether those making the decision have professional knowledge of the principles and practice of homeopathy. If these results reflect practice across the UK, then they suggest that many PCT Boards are failing to meet their obligations as trustees of the public interest by allowing their decisions to be influenced by vested interests.


To go to the Report on the pilot survey click here.


Submission to the Commons Science & Technology Committee

This submission looks at the applicability of the evidence-based medicine model to the testing of homeopathy. A report on some of the evidence supplied to the committee by opponents f homeopathy is also available.


To go to the Submission to the Committee click here.


To download the Report click here.



Resource Pack

The Resource Pack provides a handy selection of material to help individuals to argue the case for homeopathy. These can be downloaded and used freely. Underpinning the arguments is the research evidence. Then there are notes about lines of  argument relevant to MPs, Primary Care Trusts and individuals, with advice about taking part in discussion on blogs. There is also a template letter you can use to send to your PCT and a list of those PCTs already contacted. Lastly there are copies of the declaration, a donations sheet and a Gift Aid form.


If you would like us to add anything to this Resource Pack, feel free to contact us and make suggestions. For much more detailed information, you can also look at the About homeopathy, Why it works, Questions and Myths pages.


To go to the Resource Pack click here.


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