Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century
Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century (H:MC21) was established to promote homeopathy, and to defend the right of people in the UK to choose homeopathy as a therapy within the National Health Service, as set out in its charter.
Launched in 2007, H:MC21 is exposing the ill-founded and propagandist nature of the attacks on homeopathy and giving a voice to those who practise homeopathy, have benefited from homeopathic treatment, or otherwise support it. H:MC21 became a registered charity in 2008 (no. 1124711).
Since it was founded, HMC21 has:
Set up two highly informative websites: www.hmc21.org & www.homeopathyworkedforme.org.
Launched the declaration “Homeopathy worked for me” and collected almost 29,000 signatures.
Given talks about the campaign at most UK homeopathic colleges.
Produced a Resource Pack of information and advice which can be downloaded from the websites.
Published Halloween Science, a detailed critique of Trick or Treatment by Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst, using their own statements to demolish their argument against homeopathy and other complementary and alternative medicine. This can be downloaded from the websites.
Piloted a survey of NHS Primary Care Trusts to determine the reasons for their decisions about whether or not to provide homeopathy. The report can be downloaded from the websites.
Brought together over 6,000 supporters of homeopathy from first time patients to homeopaths of more than 40 years' experience.
Submitted evidence to the Commons Science and Technology Committee (2009) and published a report on selected evidence given to the committee. These can be downloaded from this website.
Our aims
We want to provide a high standard of information about homeopathy to:
Supporters of homeopathy, so that they can be more confident about defending a therapy which they know from experience is enormously effective.
Practitioners trained in other medical approaches, who may not be aware of the scientific basis of homeopathy, or of the valuable contribution it can make to treating patients
We have always been and are still funded entirely by donations from individuals. We thank all those who have contributed to our work in this way, and trust that they will continue to value the service we provide.
All those working on projects for H:MC21 so far have done so voluntarily and without pay.
If you believe that you can help us in any way, please contact us at: info@hmc21.org