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Defending Choice in Medicine

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Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century

Charity no. 1124711

Registered address: Poppyseed Cottage,

High Street, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk  PE33 9SF


All original material on this website is copyright of Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century, but may be freely used, if credited, in support of homeopathy

Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century

Testimonials: 2

Jane Deanwood

Is there any where to post a success story - have recently discovered my polycystic ovary syndrome, has gone - no cysts seen on scan! and have only ever had homeopathy.


Sheila Jeffries

My 2-year-old son was a severe asthmatic and he was completely TRANSFORMED by homeopathy – a consultation with a qualified homeopath. He is well and strong and the whole child was changed.


I have also been treated regularly and effectively – much better than ordinary medicine.


Trixie Domoney

I have been using homoeopathy for about 25 years and it all started with DESPERATION.   I had a Papillon dog that had an allergic reaction to a flea bite (they never, ever have fleas now due to proper food) but at the time the vets could do nothing, the bites would get bigger and bigger from the size of a half penny to a fifty pence piece before our eyes.


Someone suggested homoeopathy so I got some tablets - yes it was the correct ones first time which was amazing BUT, after giving a tablet before my very eyes I watched the area decrease from a huge area to NOTHING!!  You can't tell a dog 'it's all in the mind'.  That's when I started using it and have used it going to alternative vets that use it with all my rescue dogs and I always have several at a time.   For myself and my friends too I use it if I can.


I am not too good on this PC but wanted to tell you just how wonderful it is.


Margaret T Maciver

I required a hysterectomy due to cancer of the uterus.   A friend asked me if would like to try homeopathy  - and as I had never tried it before my answer was that if it did not work, then I would be in the correct place to get pain-killers.  As it turned out after coming off the morphine, and starting the homeopathic treatment, I responded so well that I did not require any pain-killers, nor any since then.  Of course one of the great benefits of homeopathy is that I did not suffer any constipation.  I may add,  that despite being told I would need radiotherapy after the cancer, I refused and was prescibed more homeopathy, and I have remained healthy for some nine years.


I have used hoeopathy for a variety of needs including one for night cramp, and another major one, in that I hurt my back whilst making my bed.  I had acupuncture treatment from which I had benefited previously, but this time it did not look at it.  I then tried chiropractic treatment, which also had no effect  -  I was speaking to my homeopath who suggested Rhus Tox  -  I still cannot believe how strong my back feels again. All I can say is, after spending all that money, I will always try homeopathy first in future.


These pages of testimonials give people an opportunity to say what has happened to them. H:MC21 does not investigate or vouch for the accuracy of these statements.

H:MC21 is a charity established to counter the unfounded propaganda against homeopathy by informing the public of the facts about homeopathy and its historical and scientific relationship to orthodox medicine.


It will do this through research, publication and campaigning.


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Nonsense, Not Science


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Edzard Ernst interview


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